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am I supposed to lose all my Silver, EXP, Items and Levels when I die?

Yup! This is a roguelike so each run you start from the beginning with starting equipment.


Makes it really difficult, I haven't seen this kind of concept before. but Good game, has a lot of potential. I mean yeah sure there's always room for improvement like any other Game, but I like it. I'll be sure to give more feedback when I manage to beat a boss or when it gets updated.

Thank you! Glad to hear you like it. I'm always open to any criticism or suggestions. And yes, this game is supposed to be very difficult.


very difficult is putting it lightly, 25 tries in with a few of good runs and I still can't beat a boss. I also crashed once with that sunken ship event with the blue jellyfish, said it couldn't find an audio file.

May I ask what build you're playing on? Is it version (1.0 SFX Fix 2)?